SNAPHU plugin in SNAP

Hi everybody,
did anyone actually get the SNAPHU plugin to work in SNAP - I did yet not and would appreciate your feedback on this. I actually think it is more a SNAP problem than snaphu, since it appears that the executable of the plugin is not found (fig 1), although the path is correct and found when checked in a DOS prompt. A problem may also be the challenge trying to solve it, since changing to the full path of the executable (replacing the variables in fig 2 with the path in fig 3) does not seem to apply directly when closing the window and restarting SNAP resets the path to this default of fig 2.

Your suggestions are appreciated.
PS. running Snap 10.0.0 on Windows 10, snaphu v 2.0.4




Can you provide the values defined for the $SNAPHU_TOOL_EXE, $SNAPHU_EXE and $SNAPHU_HOME variables?


yes, these are shown here in the image. I can use Snaphu from the prompt.

OK. Now, you have to go to Bundled Binaries and click the Download and Install Now button:

After installation, you should see the following information message:

thank you, that helped. It did not show the “Bundle was installed…” but nevertheless, the plugin appears green.

Yet, while using the export - another problem that I have seen many people come across appeared:

Is there a solution to this yet?