I am working on a study of an area in the German low mountain range. Therefore I am trying to minimize the influence of the terrain on the Sentinel-1 images. I am following this preprocessing workflow: Forests | Free Full-Text | Potential of Sentinel-1 Data for Spatially and Temporally High-Resolution Detection of Drought Affected Forest Stands
First I calibrate my Sentinel-1 GRD files to β() and then perform Teraiin flattening to γ(). Then I create a stack. Then I create a stack. I then want to reduce the speckling with a multitemporal composite. When I run the Multitemporal Compositing operator, I get the error message:
Error: Source product shoul be map projected.
Where does this error come from? Why does it work in the mentioned study?
Just like in the study, I use Sentinel-1 GRD and the steps:
- Calibrate to β()
- TerranFlattening to γ()
- CreateStack
- MultiTemporal-Composite
After applying the Range-Doppler Terrain correction it works, but the speckle filtering (in my case a multitemporal speckle filtering by compositing) should be done before.
Thanks for any tips