Spatial resolution S3A_OL_2_LFR

I exported some TIFF from an index created with the RC681 and RC865 bands of the imagines S3A_OL_2_LFR. When I open the tiffs in another program and their spatial resolution are not aprox 300 m. ¿Could you confirm me that the spatial resolution of these bands are a FULL RESOLUTION PRODUCT OF 300 meters?.

Thanks in advance

Yes, the resolution is ~300m, see

How have you checked that it is not 300m. How have you exported the TIFF image?

I have exported to GeoTIFF 2 images of the same track:
S3A_OL_2_LFR____20160502T102704_20160502T103004_20180207T133416_0179_003_336_2340_LR2_R_NT_002these are the propiertie

with the order EXPORT without subset, and I let the program to write the options by defect. When I open the TIFFs in QGIS, . In one tiff the spatial resolution is : 0.002821,-0.002856
and in the other TIFF is: 0.003561,-0.002788
Could it be a problem of the export order?

Thanks in advance

Without knowing the data you have processed I can only guess that the one region you have mosaicked lies more to the edge of the swath and the other more at nadir. At the swath edges, the pixels get bigger.
This would also explain why in longitude the size is almost the same.

I didn´t mosaic any region. I only work with individual images S3A_OL_2_LFR. I did an index that it is a new band with the graph builder and now I want it to export to TIFF.

I thought because you have ndvi_mosaic in the path.

I have that path name because at first I did a mosaic with both images and for that reason I called the paht this way. But the mosaic doesn´t work well because it stretchs the mosaic (the second view is the result of the mosaic). Then I decided to export the individual images to tiff and do the mosaic with another program.

In my opinion, the mosaic look good. As it should look like.

I have to process 130 images but first I have to check with some individual images that all work well.

but you can see the red box extend in the world view. That extend It doesn´t fit with the white extend of the two individual images.

This is the view of the world view more clear. Don´t you think that the extend box of the mosaic should be very similar to the extend of the two other boxes

The red box looks like the default settings of the mosaic.
You can change it to your region of interest. You can also define the desired pixel size.
Drag the red rectangle or enter the corner coordinates.


I have done another mosaic with the same two images and now I think this mosaic is ok. But I have had to put the pixel size 0.003 with the projection EPSG: 4326. The preview mosaic, that I thought was wrong, was done with the pixel size that the program write by default.

This is the new mosaic:

Sorry, I haven´t seen you message on time. But I think that you have told me is similar to my new mosaic, with difference pixel size of 0.003 instead of 0.0027

Thank you for your help.

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