Speckel Divergence (urban Areas)

Applying speckel divergence on GRD,

Any suggestions on the following approach?

Thermal noise removal--------->apply orbit --------->calibration to sigma0--------->apply speckel divergence,

Hi ,

I would suggest to use a filter for speckle noise suppression (small window size to preserve edges and structure) before data calibration.

Have a look at the paper below

speckle_divergence_TerraSAR-X.pdf (546.0 KB)

I found this answer, so far supports my approach,

Source : https://fromgistors.blogspot.com/2017/04/mapping-urban-area-with-sentinel-1-data.html

But warmly welcome any suggestions,

Do you mean to apply speckel noise filtering in advance? but in this case might be affects the classifications,

I do not think applying speckle noise filtering will degrade your classification results. .

Someone might argue that applying speckle noise filtering on a SAR image, it might not retain the texture of the buildings.

In that case, you can try and calculate speckle divergence on both filtered and non-filtered data and check the outcomes

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