I used Planetary Computer STAC to download Sentinel-1 RTC imagery and create netcdf timeseries composites: Planetary Computer
However, when exporting those netcdfs and trying to apply Multi Temporal speckle filtering on SNAP v9.0 (i had the same error on SNAP v11.0), I get a error saying that my band units are not defined.
When inspecting the sentinel_stack from Planetary Computer, I didnt find any unit:dB attribute so I had to add it through python scripting but when adding that unit it was messing with my projection. Anyway, it was a mess but i finally managed to get a netcdf where i have both recognized reference system and raster unit.
Before post processing:
After post processing:
However, I wonder if this process could be simplified (shouldn’t this dataset come with this unit:dB predefined?), and therefore reduce the amount of post processing needed!