I just want to check if anyone knows the units which are used in plotting the StaMPS time series using ps_plot(‘v-dso’,‘ts’).
The axis is labelled as LOS (mm) but when I compare those results corrected to vertical displacements with GNSS data I get this, with the blue dots representing the GNSS station and the red dots representing the PS time series.
There is clearly a scaling issue between the GNSS data and the PS data (more evident when plotted on independent axes). So I think the results from StaMPS are actually in units of radians. When I convert from radians to mm I get this.
So I’m thinking that StaMPS is actually plotting in radians, but I haven’t been able to confirm this yet from the code. I just want to check if anybody knows anything about this.
the only metric output option of StaMPS is v (as used in ps_plot). All others are in rad (w, m, u), or rad/m (d).
Which is the one you used for the plot and export?
From the manual:
'w' for wrapped phase
'w-d' for wrapped phase minus smoothed dem error
'w-o' for wrapped phase minus orbital ramps ('w-dm', 'w-do', 'w-dmo')
'p' for spatially filtered wrapped phase
'u' for unwrapped phase
'u-d' for unwrapped phase minus dem error
'u-m' for unwrapped phase minus and master AOE
'u-o' for unwrapped phase minus orbital ramps
'u-a' for unwrapped phase minus topo-correlated atmosphere
('u-dm', 'u-do', 'u-da', 'u-dmo', 'u-dma', 'u-dms', 'u-dmao', 'u-dmos')
'usb' for unwrapped phase of small baseline ifgs
('usb-d', 'usb-o', 'usb-a' also 'usb-do','usb-da', 'usb-dao')
'rsb' residual between unwrapped phase of sb ifgs and inverted
'd' for spatially correlated DEM error (rad/m)
'm' for AOE phase due to master
'o' for orbital ramps
's' for atmosphere and orbit error (AOE) phase due to slave
'v' mean LOS velocity (MLV) in mm/yr ('v-d', 'v-o', 'v-a', 'v-do,
'v-da', 'v-dao')
'vs' standard deviation of MLV (mm/yr) ('vs-d', 'vs-o', also 'vs-do')
'vdrop' MLV calculated from all but current ifg (mm/yr)
'vdrop-o' (also 'vdrop-do')
I have completed my stamps processing (from step 1 to step 8).
Then i tried the following command
when I do this I get the following results,
After this, I click the ts plot button and then click on a point, I just get one point. But I have 94 interferograms in my processing. Following would explain how i get my results,
when I do ps_plot for ‘w’ and ‘u’, i get the series of the image like this. But when I do it for v why do I get a single image ?
It would be nice if you can explain on this
I did try with different radius. I did try with different locations but it did not work.
I still get a single dot instead of multiple dots. I will try it again and go through the matlab code.
Thank you for the information.
Thank you.
I get the time series for the selected point.
I am not really sure how it happened but I tried running the ps_plot function step by step and finally I got my result.
Can you please guide me about this question that: what is the unit of ph_disp?
Actually I used ps_plot(‘v-do’,-1) to save it on my system. There is a .mat in it (ph_disp). I want to know it’s unit (mm/yr or …??)
Hello every one. I plotted my time series on my windows system for PSI StaMPS datas using ph_uw .mat in ps_plot(‘v-do’,‘ts’,-1) , but it is noisy. What is your opinion about it? How do I fix this problem?
Hello @ABraun
I have a fairly basic question, if I want to export the permanent scatterer, what code do I need to run in what step? I can’t find it in the manual. thanks。