I am trying to compute de APS from ERA I models, but it doesn’t seem to work. When doing from matlab, the following lines produce this error:
creating directory /home/tidop/Documentos/vesubio/INSAR_20190509/ERA/20190103/
Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 15.
Error in aps_era_files (line 169)
if exist([subdirpath,'ggap', filelist(l,5:16) '.nc'],'file') == 0
Error in aps_weather_model (line 88)
where I’ve just shown the final part.
When doing it from terminal, the connection to the server is bad:
get_ecmwf password username /path/to/ERA_I_files.txt
Could not connect to ftp.ceda.ac.uk -- try again later: Connection timed out.
Could not connect to ftp.ceda.ac.uk -- try again later: Connection timed out.
Could not connect to ftp.ceda.ac.uk -- try again later: Connection timed out.
ncftpget: cannot open ftp.ceda.ac.uk: could not connect to remote host, but can try again.
Is TRAIN updated? Does anyone know how to do this step?