Sun Glint Remove- SNAP OLCI

Hell everyone:
Do you have any good suggestions about correct the sun glint of OLCI data in SNAP?

The L2 Water data is already corrected as far as possible (medium glint). There is a flag in the L2 data for medium and high glint.
In the L1 data there is a flag for glint_risk, but this is only set due to the viewing geometry conditions.

In general, the approach is discussed in this ATBD:

Thanks for your reply.
I downloaded OLCI_L2_Water Data. But it can’t suit my need. L2 Water mask large the sun glint area.
For example,the data time is 2020.08.17. 02:11:37

So,Is there a tool to correct the sun glint in SNAP?

No, this is not available.

Ok,Thanks a lot.