SWIR band Sentinel-3


I downloaded Sentinel-3 data from copernicus browser. How may I extract each band to visualize? folder contains SEN3 and has nc files.

is there any tutorial?

Simply drag the SEN3 folder onto the Product Explorer area in SNAP. This will open the product in SNAP, and you can visualise each band in SNAP.
Alternatively, you can use the Open Product Dialog (menu File / Open Product ...), then navigate to the SEN3 folder and within this folder select the xfdumanifest.xml file.

You can also use each *.nc file and open it in SNAP. This allows visualisation but essential metadata is not available.

which version download from browser? l download SLSTR. and import xfdumanifest data in SNAP. There several folder and files in bands folder. how may l sure bands name?

I can suggest reading the SentiWiki SLSTR Products (copernicus.eu).
Or check the product specification documents
Document Library (copernicus.eu)

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