The confusion about SLC

Hello, I want to get SLC of ALOS PALSAR, and then input ALOS PALSAR 1.1 level product into SNAP and PolSARpro respectively. Why are i_HV and q_HV in SNAP inconsistent with S12 in PolSARpro? Which of them is the SLC value and what is the relationship between them?

Looks like you already managed to get it into SNAP. But I don’t undestand your question. i and q together form the complex information of the SAR image. You can visualize intensity and see how it was generated from i+q when you move your mouse over the Intensity band in SNAP.

Yes, Apparently i and q together form the complex information of the SAR image. But don’t know if you are familiar with polsarpro, when I import 1.1 level product can obtain the S11.bin, S12.bin, S21.bin, S22.bin, I think it should be consistent with the complex information composed of i and q. But obviously different.

maybe there is a scaling factor applied in PolSARpro which converts the integer values displayed into float values.


Thanks for your reply. Can you find a specific conversion relationship?

This was just a guess for you to check, sorry

Thanks anyway.

The conversion formula should be in the ALOS PALSAR 1.1 product documentation.