Unable to download snap toolbox for linux

Hi, I am unable to download sentinel-2 toolbox for linux os. The link of downloading in the official page open directly the .sh file what’s causing my machine to crash to the point where I have to restart it.

If you want to work with SNAP in linux you will find it very much worth the time it takes to learn some basic linux command-line skills (LinuxCommand.org is a good reference and has a number of translations).

It is not normal for a browser to run a downloaded script or program. Normally you want to check that your download is not corrupted, so many sites (http://step.esa.int/main/download/snap-download/ uses an installer that checks the integrity of the download for you) provide cryptographic signatures and checksums for downloads. Some institutional sites scan downloads at the firewall and replace “suspect” files with an html message telling you how to get your download. If you try to run a corrupted download you should get an error popup:

The installation file is corrupted. If it is a download please try again.

If you download (using, e.g., wget <download URL>) and run the ESA SNAP .sh installer in a terminal you may get an error message that will explain why your system is crashing. In a terminal, you can check the type and size of the downloaded file and generate a checksum:

$ ls -l esa-snap_sentinel_unix_7_0.sh
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group 640042388 Jul 22  2019 esa-snap_sentinel_unix_7_0.sh
 $ file esa-snap_sentinel_unix_7_0.sh
esa-snap_sentinel_unix_7_0.sh: POSIX shell script executable (binary data)
$ sha512sum esa-snap_sentinel_unix_7_0.sh
f9219d0850bcf632c50b0c05c1d6bec084f084f864aea00078852990d38cdb274b8b54c3543dee5ebe19851aac90025e7775a18de994a8be584891c8b351be65  esa-snap_sentinel_unix_7_0.sh

If you can verify that the download is correct but still have a problem, it could be useful to know your linux distribution, amount of RAM, and browser version. Another user with a similar configuration may recognize the issue, or someone can create a virtual machine with an identical configuration to help understand what is going wrong.

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Thank you very much. I did not try using the command line.
The following command line actually solve my problem:
wget http://step.esa.int/downloads/7.0/installers/esa-snap_sentinel_unix_7_0.sh