Unable to run SNAP Desktop with Toolboxes in NetBeans

I downloaded the SNAP code from GitHub and built it with NetBeans.
I followed the instructions here:

and it works fine. But I can’t figure out how to run SNAP Desktop with additional Toolboxes(S1, S2, S3) from NetBeans.
I managed to do that in IntelliJ, following the instructions here:
but I want to do the same thing using NetBeans.
Could someone explain me how to do?


I’m also not sure how to do it. That’s one of the reasons why I prefer IntelliJ IDEA.

I don’t have SNAP in NetBeans running. But I looked at a sample application.
I think you need to edit the cluster.path


Thank you for your answer.
I also tried to use IntelliJ, but I have some problems in terms of GUI updating. For example, if I try to change/hide some parts of the menu (inside layer.xml from snap-rcp), the GUI doesn’t change.
I’ve also tried to rebuild the module after each change, but without success. This problem doesn’t exist if I use NetBeans.
I’m a member of LEOWorks development team, and we have to move in the near future on SNAP platform. This is why I would like to have control over the GUI(menu, toolbar etc.).
Do you have any suggestions on how we can move LEOWorks on the SNAP platform? Do you think it would be ok to create a new module (like SNAP Desktop Project) and just add dependencies we need?


@serg , I think migrating LEOWorks on the SNAP platform is a good idea but it should be done in a coordinated manner. @marpet @lveci

@mengdahl, what do you mean by coordinated manner?

I mean that the development of LEOWorks for the SNAP platform should be done in a manner that is agreed with the SNAP development teams, in order to avoid difficulties in the future when SNAP keeps evolving. @serg

Ok, I understand. Thanks for your kindness to help us.
More than likely that when we start the migration, we’ll work in a coordinated manner. We are currently in the analysis phase, trying to understand the architecture.
Any idea why changes on the interface (layer.xml of snap-rcp module) not found when running using IntelliJ, even after module rebuild? @mengdahl

@serg In my opinion LEOWorks would ideally be a toolbox (or module) of SNAP so that by selecting “LEOWorks-mode” users would be presented with a simplified interface. @lveci @marpet @forman can help you with development-related questions.

Serg, after making changes to a layer.xml file you can go to snap-desktop/snap-application and run mvn nbm:cluster-app to have the changes take effect. Also, have a look at snap-installer/updateall.bat

There is a SNAP wiki with a develop guide and general develop references

It may be useful to reuse some of the same infrastructure such as a Leoworks section in JIRA and Confluence and the Leoworks code in github.