Apparently the zone definition in the H-Alpha Plane Plot and colour table follows PolSARpro convention while the one in the on-line help follows Lee-Pottier’s convention and this is the cause of the confusion. Now it has been harmonised to use the same zone definition as in PolSARpro. The on-line help has been updated and a short description has been added for each class in the colour table. The fix should be in the next release.
Hi, I have a question for interpreting the results. As during the unsupervised Wishart classification the cluster centers are of each class are changed, are the resulting classes still referable to the original H/alpha plane?
Thank you!
Hello ABraun,
I have a confusion about the wishart unsupervised classification method. The classification chart you provided has the images divided into 9 categories (each class has a corresponding percentage, e.g., class_1 has 0.594% ). But, how does this class (i.e., class1-9) correspond to the Z1-Z9 region of H-alpha plane? Are there any books I can refer to?