Using different Graph Processing tools

Hi everyone,

Currently, I have on my computer different versions of SNAP. The official one and a “developer” one, which consist in a Intellij IDEA project where I’m modifying SNAP for my purposes.

Using the graph processing tool (GPT), I can shell script my codes and let it runs for days.

I don’t know how I can use a second GPT that calls the developer version of SNAP.

Thanks in advance,


Have you seen the section almost at the bottom of the page?
Isn’t it working?

Hi Marco Peters,

I don’t want to replace the other one. i would have like something like

% to use one module in snap
gpt module_in_snap -t=something.dim 

% to use a modified module in snap "developer version"
gpt2 module_in_snap -t=something.dim

Or maybe I missed something?

Hi Marco Peters,

I followed the link. It works great. But I used to work using shell script and calls to gpt. Something like :



for ((i=0; i<${#array[@]}-1; i++)); do
    $gptPath myGraph.xml -Pmaster=${array[i]} -Pslave=${array[i+1]} -Pvelname="${array[i]:17:8}_${array[i+1]:17:8}_vel"
    echo "Pair ${array[i]:17:8}_${array[i+1]:17:8} done.\r\r\r\r"

If gpt commands are only manageable through a specific run configuration, I don’t think it is possible to work like I did. Am I right?

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Unfortunately this is not working.
But we have identified this already as and issue and would like to adress it soon.
These ae two related issues from the issue tracker:

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Thanks. :slight_smile: