Using snappy without installing SNAP Desktop software

Hi all,
My question may be naive…but as I am struck with it for the past few hours, I have chosen to seek help here.
**I have not installed SNAP Desktop (and hence not configuring python’s snappy during/after installation) **
I am trying to install snappy package (meant for sentinel) using pip
pip install snappy but I am ending up installing some unrelated software.

Hence I would like to understand

  1. Can I use python snappy to preprocess (calibration, removing speckle noise , terrain correction etc.) sentinel1 SAR images without installing SNAP desktop?
  2. If it is so, what is the procedure.?

Thank you for the help

As you said, pip install snappy installs another package with a similar name. To compile SNAP functionalities for python you have to follow these instructions:

After that, you can process Sentinel-1 data from python.

The GUI code is only a few MB of the full SNAP installation, so there is no reason to have a non-GUI version. If you are working with a headless system using only the command-line, you should first install (with ESA SNAP snappy) and apply updates, then copy the installation (both the SNAP install directory and the user’s .snap directory) to the headless system. If you are not using the system Python you may need to install the same Python version on the headless machine.

You can do updates on the command line:

snap --nosplash --nogui --modules --list --refresh
snap --nosplash --nogui --modules --update-all
snap --nosplash --nogui --modules --update <one_package>

On a headless system you may want to put <snap_install_dir>/bin/snap --nosplash --nogui in an alias or “wrapper” script.

Having the GUI version on a machine where you can display images and use the built-in help is very useful for testing and for developing new ESA SNAP snappy scripts.

Thank you @ABraun for useful references.

Thank you @gnwiii for detailed reply and additional information

@ABraun I’m attempting to install Snappy within an Anaconda environment for utilization in Jupyter Notebook. Despite attempting various methods, including using the SNAP interface during the installation of SNAP and employing commands like “snappy-conf ” with different Python versions (e.g., 2.7, 3.6, 3.7 and so on) and SNAP versions (7, 8, 9), I’m encountering an issue where Snappy does not load into Jupyter Notebook.

Upon executing the commands, a Snappy folder with all the necessary files is created in the environment packages. However, when inspecting the list of installed packages in the Conda environment, Snappy is absent, preventing its use in Jupyter Notebook. I would appreciate any suggestions on how to successfully install Snappy on the Windows platform.

Thank you