V9 os SNAP gpt stops after a few runs

Thanks for the tip Marco.
I tested it on one scene and the first test was successfull.
will do some more tests

with v8 I used to delete le l2a-reader
rm -rf /…/.snap/var/cache/s2tbx/l2a-reader/8.0.0/*
Doing the same with v9.
Do you mean I should delete the entire cache folder?
rm -rf …/.snap/var/cache

I think deleting the cache will not help. Actually, it will make it worse.
It seems an issue with creating the cache files.

To get rid of the issue you need to wait for an update, I think.
In meantime the workaround will help hopefully.

thanks a lot for you help Marco.
The work arround seems to work.
I’ll launch a full batch over the weekend

Have a nice week-end

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JIRA ticket SNAP-3436 created, in order to investigate this further.

Hello everyone,
I was just about to start a new topic, but then I found this one. I have the same problem with Snap9 gpt running the Resample or S2Resampling Operator.
gpt does not return to the shell and gets stuck after successfully writing the target product. This doesnt always happen, but most of the time.
Here’s what I found out, maybe it helps tracking down the issue.

  • The issue appeared in snap v9, no matter if I run gpt on the command line or in a batch script. In Snap8 all was fine. Same issue with a clean v9 installation.

  • In Snap8 ~/snap/bin/gpt script line 485 is:
    $INSTALL4J_JAVA_PREFIX exec "$app_java_home/bin/java" "-Dsnap.mainClass=org.esa.snap.core.gpf.main.GPT" "-Dsnap.home=$prg_dir/.." "-Djava.awt.headless=true" "-Dinstall4j.noLoggingFix=true" $INSTALL4J_ADD_VM_PARAMS -classpath "$local_classpath" install4j.org.esa.snap.runtime.Launcher_gpt "$@"

  • in Snap9 ~/snap/bin/gpt script line 485 is changed to:
    $INSTALL4J_JAVA_PREFIX exec "$app_java_home/bin/java" "-Dsnap.mainClass=org.esa.snap.core.gpf.main.GPT" "-Dsnap.home=$prg_dir/.." "-Djava.awt.headless=true" "-Dinstall4j.noLoggingFix=true" $INSTALL4J_ADD_VM_PARAMS -classpath "$local_classpath" install4j.org.esa.snap.runtime.Launcher1159904018 "$@"

  • This command in line 485 in Snap9 gpt hangs. Adding an ‘echo’ command in line 486 never gets executed.

  • Changing the Snap9 gpt code back to Launcher_gpt doesnt work, as this launcher no longer exists.

  • Even with -e there is no error showing. However, the system monitor shows the process in this state as sleeping for 99% of the time, but it appears to run again for a second every couple of minutes. I left it running for several hours but it never finished and never returned to the prompt.

example command:
~/snap9/bin/gpt Resample -e -f NETCDF4-BEAM -PtargetResolution=10 -t /sentinel2/2023/02/02_14/processed/S2A_MSIL1C_20230214T105141_N0509_R051_T31UGU_20230214T142915_resampled.nc -SsourceProduct=/sentinel2/2023/02/02_14/S2A_MSIL1C_20230214T105141_N0509_R051_T31UGU_20230214T142915.zip


Hi Daniel,

thanks for the report.
This is already fixed and will be included in the next update.
[SNAP-3436] GPT hangs when running a S2 processing graph - JIRA (atlassian.net)

An exact date for the update is not yet known.