I’m using subprocess.run([GPT_PATH, str(xml_file_name)])
to run xml graphs to preprocess Sentinel-1 data. I’m getting the error
WARNING: org.esa.snap.core.dataop.dem.ElevationFile: http error:http://step.esa.int/auxdata/dem/SRTMGL1/S18E121.SRTMGL1.hgt.zip on http://step.esa.int/auxdata/dem/SRTMGL1
It seems similar to this question but in the link http://step.esa.int/auxdata/dem/SRTMGL1/S18E121.SRTMGL1.hgt.zip produces 404 not found. Going to the link http://step.esa.int/auxdata/dem/SRTMGL1/ reveals that the S18E121
file isn’t there. The list skips from S18E119
to S18E122
I’ve just run the same xml graphs manually in SNAP and the terrain correction module works fine. Any ideas what happening here?
Edit: It seems as if the terrain correction is actually being correctly applied. Maybe this is nothing to worry about?