Which case is the most suitable for flood extraction?

I want to use the region growing technology and ChangeDetection to extract a flood area in SLC data, and i wanna know somebody else have done this experiment . I downloaded some areas but the data was always not suitable.
What area is the best?

any reason why you aim to use SLC? Phase information is not of much use in this case so you could directly use the GRD products instead.

This is the case in India, Is the change detection result right?

The datas are 'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20180620T114838_20180620T114903_022440_026E23_3EE1’and ‘S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20180608T114837_20180608T114902_022265_0268CC_3B8C’

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How should we know if it is right by looking at the image? :slight_smile: