Why I'm not getting 6 days temporal resolution data

Hi everyone,
while downloading sentinel 1 data in COPERNICUS OPEN ACCESS HUB I’m not getting the 6 days temporal resolution data, but there we have two platforms S1A & S1B. I requesting you to kindly help me What is the reason for that.

Thank you in advance.

Sentinel-1 satellites don’t have the capacitiy to sample every place on earth at 12 day intervals (or 6 days when A and B are combined).
For this reason, acquisition plans are made which set priority areas: https://sentinel.esa.int/web/sentinel/missions/sentinel-1/observation-scenario
The images explain it very well.

Over the years, a quite uneven distribution of images has resulted from this: https://eomex.eodc.eu/cm#s1a_csar_slc__iw

Thankyou ABraun sir.

I did not even know GRDH images using EW actualy exist. Thanks for sharing