Sometimes pip comes alone, just be sure you install it on your system. Normally anaconda brings it inside, but all environmental variables should be set up and loaded properly.
I removed anaconda, and I have now python 2.7 , so pip.exe does’t exist. within the script folder. and the previous comment it was concerning python 2.7.
Well… so now you need to get the pathlib install…
I have found in linux really easy to do so using pip… but surely somebody that make it work in Windows could bring some more light on your issue.
I hope that you will manage to solve it soon.
Let us know
pip can easily be installed afterwards by downloading the script from this page:
then simply call it in the shell: python
Once pip is installed, you can use it to retrieve all required packages.
Thank you Falahfakhri
Hi mdelgado Thank you so much for your instruction and your time I will try it again!!
I’m also process my data might be in different way, I failed with python, but let discuss since our goal is psi.
Hi Abraun Thank you so much for your helping !
Hi Andy, and @mdelgado
After doing the instruction you referred to in your post
I still have this issue
when I’m writing
pip list
I have
the scripts is available now and I installed pip
please try the following:
- open the command shell
- navigate to the folder where pip was installed:
cd C:\Python27\Scripts
- type
pip list
It should be recognized and executed then.
Should all be installed?
following python modules: os, sys, pathlib, shutil, glob, subprocess, shlex, time
I succeeded to install pathlib, however the other are
os, sys, and subprocess are already part of the basic python installation and don’t need to be installed separately.
A complete list is given here:
Dear all
I am using 15 SENTINEL-1 SLC products for PSinSAR. Until stAMP’s step 6 my processing was going on well. But when " step 6 - Unwrapping"- starting this type of error coming… Did anybody face same problem? Please let me know the reason of this error. Thank you all.
ndex in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error in uw_grid_wrapped (line 110)
Error in uw_3d (line 155)
Error in ps_unwrap (line 235)
Error in stamps (line 503)
is snaphu installed correctly on your system? You can test by simply typing snaphu
in your shell after sourcing your StaMPS_config file.
yes, i checked. still this error coming. What is mean “Error using /
Matrix dimensions must agree” ? is it depends from Matlab? How can i solve. Please help me?
which StaMPS version do you use and which command (mt_prep) did you use to prepare the data?