@marpet Thanks for quick help. I was able to smoothly run the Biophysical Processor Landsat8 with Landsat C2L2 (SR) and now interested to supply Landsat 8 C2L1 as input to the processor.
For Landsat 8 Level 1, the referred solution to switch from radiance to ToA reflectance, I would like to confirm that isn’t like ‘forcing’ the IdePix to read the input as ToA reflectance despite input is still in radiance? I am unsure whether or not it takes care of intermediate conversion steps as described here;
Level-1 data are delivered as Digital Numbers (DN) in an unsigned 16-bit integer format and can be converted to Top of Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance or radiance using the radiometric scaling factors provided in each scene metadata file.
Will I have to manually convert radiance to ToA for each band via band math or there is other elegant way to do this in SNAP 8.0.