ZNAP/DIMAP format does not preserve tie-point geo-dings correctly

Hello, I found an issue in the Znap format reader, more specifically in the ComponentGeoCodingPersistenceConverter.

The converter writes the information of the GeoRaster:

But when reading the Znap format and recreating the geo-coding then the subsampling and the offset of the geoRaster is ignored and the values from the tie-point grid is used.

The leads to an error when the tie-point grid is used for multiple bands of different sizes. In this case the offset and subsampling values are different.

There is a pull-requests which fixes this issue:
Get offset and subsampling from the stored values of the GeoRaster by eomasters-repos · Pull Request #464 · senbox-org/snap-engine (github.com)

Also, BEAM-DIMAP is affected as it also uses the converter.

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