A StatisticsOp graph

Hi there! here we go again, after a year haha. I’m sorry to resurrect this topic but i’m facing a new kind of easy trouble here.

i’m trying to run StatisticsOp from python, thru GPT. Using the function of subprocess.call and i couldn’t achieve a solution to this problem. Here the part from my code that it’s taking my sleep off.


    arquivo_3 = area_arquivos_processados + "\\" + arquivo_1 + "_stats"
        "gpt", "StatisticsOp", f"-Ssource={arquivo_2}",
        "-t",  f"-PoutputAsciiFile={arquivo_3}"

the part of the -PbandConfigurations, i don’t know how to set this parameter. i’ve tried it in a diferent ways like:

        "-PbandConfigurations=", "-PbandConfiguration=", "-PsourceBandName=Sigma0_IW2_VV"

and i am not being sucessful.

The error message that appears it:

Error: no converter defined for value ‘bandConfigurations’

anybody know how to proceed?