About installation of SNAP software in Ubuntu, and Increase the processing speed

Please give me specified processing steps to install the SNAP software in Ubuntu. And How can I set maximum memory allocation to SNAP software (If my Harddisk or SSD has 1TB, I wanna give around 100GB to SNAP).

You seem confused about the difference between “primary” storage in random-access memory (RAM) and “secondary” or mass storage (SSD or HD). It will be helpful to become familiar with the organization of modern computers. Introduction to Computer Architecture may be helpful. You may also benefit from an introduction to Linux command-line processing such as Linux Command

During installation SNAP will make a guess at the best RAM allocation. You should install SNAP and try doing the steps in tutorials addressing your interests. If you have problems, check back here.

I installed SNAP software in the root (/usr/local/snap) ubuntu. while running the snap2stamps python code, the first 3steps went good but while running the stamps_export.py it is taking too much time and only processing 40% of the SAR image due to java memory errors. So how can I solve this?

Dear @marpet,
I’m using python2.7 for running the snap2stamps python code.
what is the benefit of snappy for processing of above python code.

While installing the SNAP, I configure it with python2 (But I don’t know the path of snappy)
Configure Python to use the SNAP-Python (snappy) interface - SNAP - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Some workflows do require a system configured with ample RAM. Please review the Forum FAQ. A good post will provide enough details to allow others to reproduce the problem.