ALOS-2 ScanSAR data to be made freely available

To my understanding, only Level 2.1 is openly available while 1.1 is still commercial only.

I think I got it working but my internet speed right now is very slow. So I cannot verify the output yet. Let me know if there is any wrong steps.

  1. Go to GPortal Search
  2. Select ALOS-2 Spacecraft
  3. Set date and AOI filter
  4. In the “List of search results”, you have to scroll the window to the right to be able to see the download button. This is not very obvious and it is easy to miss this.
  5. In the download page, press “Order” to finalize
  6. Once it is done. You will get an e-mail on the access details via SFTP. You can use the terminal in Windows. Here is a sample of an e-mail.


We would like to inform you that the following products are ready to be

order number

ALOS-2 order scene ID

SFTP download
Connection protocol: SFTP
Connection port: PORT_NUMBER
Connection account: USERNAME
Product path (directory): /process/scandl2/PRODUCT_ID

  1. Type this in the Windows terminal: sftp -oPort=PORT_NUMBER

  2. The SFTP is like a standard terminal so cd into the product path directory by typing cd process/scandl2/PRODUCT_ID. Type ls to view available files in the directory.

  3. Download files using get FILENAME your_output_directory. your_output_directory is where you want to save the downloaded files in your computer. For example, get IMG-HH-ALOS2415633650-220202-WBDR1.1__D-F2 D:/MyData


Thank you for sharing, I am interested how the data will look. So you downloaded ScanSAR(WBDR) in Level-1.1?

I haven’t been able to download it since my internet speed right now is very slow. I was only able to download the JPG files.

Here is BRS-HH-ALOS2415633650-220202-WBDR1.1__D-F1.jpg

As of April 11th, JAXA announced they will also be making their L1.1 archive open access in addition to the L2.2 collection: ALOS series Open and Free Data|ALOS@EORC

I’ve managed to download a few scenes (approx 60 gb per scansar scene) however they fail to open, producing a java.NullPointerException. It seems to be the same error that I’ve seen other people having in other threads with PALSAR-2 L1.1 data.

Any thoughts on what may be causing the error or any possible solution?

Hello, have any of the senhroes ever found a way to enter the WBDR data into SNAP?

Can this WDBR data be opened in POLSARPRO?

Hello, have any of the senhroes ever found a way to enter the WBDR data into SNAP?

Can this WDBR data be opened in POLSARPRO?

I reached out to JAXA about alternative software. They noted open-source GMTSAR supports the ScanSAR WBDR L1.1 data, additionally, the commercial GAMMA software supports it though is quite expensive to license.

The Open Source InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (ISCE) software supports ALOS-2 ScanSAR data with its

Login to Google Earth Engine, copy and paste the following link:

to open the tool to access ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 ScanSAR Level 2.2. No coding skills required. Just select the area of interest and set some options.

The image will be downloaded to our Google Drive, then we can download it from our Google Drive to our local drive in GeoTIFF format.

I could get data only for Japan :disappointed:

It is just showing a specific area which you have selected, I am selecting my aoi but nothing is showing. Can you please tell me, What is the problem?


It seems that only limited data is available for free download of ALOS 2 SAR data.

I am using these search filters to find free to download data, am I doing anything wrong ?

yes, this only applies for ScanSAR data at product level 2, and the access is not via this official portal.

Thanks for your reply. If it is not available via official portal, where can I find the data?

You can get it over Amazon Web Service or Google Earth Engine:

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By the official portal do you mean G-portal?

I have had success l downloading both L1.1 and L2.2 through JAXA’s g-portal (ScanSAR only). Once you have selected your image hit download and it will open a new page where you can select whether you want to order L1.1 or L2.2.

And a note on GEE, since my last correspondence with JAXA in march, PALSAR-2 is only available for Asia, Africa, mid-south America. World wide coverage to be added on that platform.

ASF sounds like they may be hosting the data by the end of the year.

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