I read an older post on this with no real resolution on this topic. Has anyone encountered an error while using SNAP that reads as follows “Error: [NodeId: Apply-Orbit-File(2)] Malformed reply from SOCKS server”?
I thought maybe something was wrong with my proxy settings or my SNAP install. However, this error only occurs with two specific S-1 datasets I’ve downloaded. I can apply orbit files to and co-register all of my other S-1 datasets without any trouble. I’ve re-downloaded the datasets and get the same error.
The two datasets specifically giving me trouble are:
S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20191223T223636_20191223T223703_030482_037D6C_F6D1 and
And load them into my .snap\auxdata\Orbits\Sentinel-1\POEORB folder. This allowed me to proceed with running the software as normal, but I have yet to figure out whats stopping the software from downloading the orbits automatically from the website.
I did download them thanks to “DownThemAll” plugin. If you have another soft that can download everything in the arborescence, it would be welcome!
Thank you very much for the solution! Would you know where I can find the orbits of June and July 2021. Thank you very much in advance. Greetings, Ximena
Hello, Thanks for you answer Kordlou. Update the software and the problem continues.
Below are the errors when I try to co-register and when I try to apply the orbit.
Sorry, I don’t understand your question…
If it is about my usage of sentineleof lib, please find below how I wrote it, you can arrange it in your own way.
def DL_S1_orbitfile (S1zip: str, out: str ="Default"):
If issue with download_eofs, please upgrade the following package
pip install --upgrade sentinelsat
:param S1zip: S1 IW SLC zip full path
:param out: where to put the POEORB file, default is your .snap default folder
:return: 0
# Importation de la librairie OEF
from eof.download import download_eofs
LOGGER.critical("eof.download library is not installed")
LOGGER.critical("Please visit https://pypi.org/project/sentineleof/")
raise Exception("/!\ eof.download Python lib is missing /!\ ")
# Configuration de l'output EOF
if out == "Default":
# Lecture de la date et du mois pour trier le fichier orbit dans le bon dossier SNAP
yy = re.search(r"\d{8}", os.path.basename(S1zip)).group(0)
yyyy = datetime.datetime.strptime(yy, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y') # Recup de l'année
mm = datetime.datetime.strptime(yy, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%m') # Recup du mois
sat = os.path.basename(S1zip)[:3] # Recup Satellite S1A ou S1B
if os.getenv("USERPROFILE") == None:
LOGGER.critical("Default Snap folder is not found")
LOGGER.critical("Please enter the .snap folder where are stocked the Orbit files")
raise FileNotFoundError ("Can't find the .snap folder")
out = os.path.join(os.getenv("USERPROFILE"), ".snap", "auxdata", "Orbits", "Sentinel-1", "POEORB", sat,
yyyy, mm)
# Telechargement
download_eofs(sentinel_file=S1zip, save_dir=out)
except ValidityError:
LOGGER.debug("POEORB file doesn't exist.", exc_info=True)
return 0