Hi All,
How should one estimate the baseline/perpendicular baseline between two acquisitions? I search the help document, but with no luck to find it.
Thank you,
Hi All,
How should one estimate the baseline/perpendicular baseline between two acquisitions? I search the help document, but with no luck to find it.
Thank you,
In the Interferometry menu there is the InSAR Stack Overview which can calculate the baselines. Maybe this should be renamed to InSAR Baselines.
It’s also available from the product library.
Thank you. I will give it a try.
Thanks for the help. I do have seen the baseline information of a stack of images following your suggestions. But I wonder if we can save the numbers of table to a file, so further analysis or display with those information can be done.
Thank you.
hi, regarding to the topic
can this stack overview menu work out by defining the master image manually?
when you make a stack of data sets it automatically picks one as a master
maybe there can be one option for manual selection?
thank you
You can manually select the master by moving the product to the top of the list in the product set reader
Dear lveci,
what should be the range of baselines (Perpendicular and Temporal) for Landslide surface deformation detection.
coherence value Between 0.9- 0.70 is fine or not.
Want to use Differential InSAR for that.
Yes - I cannot figure out how to copy any information (SNAP2.0.2, S1TBX 2.0.3) from the results table. Is it saved somewhere as a file in the .snap folder?
It would be a valuable feature to automatically save this to the clipboard or file!
I do the same question.
Is there a way to do that?
If not, please implement it in next release…
ok good idea. I’ll add it to our issue tracker.
Dear lveci,
Seems that manual master selection does not work. The crnologically first image is used as master independently from images order.
thank you
Dear Iveci
I have the main concern than the other members here: even clipboard do not manage to copy the resulting baseline parameters of the stack.
Perhaps it could be the first step (to allow the copy function on the resulting table?)
Many thanks
Hi all,
I have read at Part B of InSAR Principles (ESAs manual), that interferograms with small perpendicular baseline values (<30m), though easy to unwrap, are almost useless due to their high sensitivity to phase noise and atmospheric effects. And values higher than 450m are almost impossible to unwrap. Consecuently, the optimum perpendicular baseline is in the range between 150 and 300 metres…
Have you find a way to copy baselines data from the overview stack table ?
Hi Iveci,
Is there a way to understand if the baseline is between 130and 300m before downloading it?
you can try if you find your desired pair in the ESA Geohazards Thematic Exploitation Platform (TEP)
I didn’t get the proper use yet but it seems to be very effective.
Dear @Iveci,
I wrote a topic and then I saw your post.
Master image can not selected manually. Maybe we are doing wrong something. Is there another step we need to implement?
Thank you.
Whenever i’m creating the stack the perpendicular baseline becomes ‘0’. Any suggestion to eliminate this error?
Are you using Coregistration or Create Stack?