hi this is my output after i run this batch script file
and this is my script
that i should have subset file in vv and vh folder but the folders is empthy
it’s have only one output and it’s have sigma0_VV in band
Could anyone help me find some mistakes about my code or where else please
August 31, 2022, 11:16pm
Please review the FAQ . In particular, we need your
OS and SNAP versions and also an upload of your batch file. You should try adding the -e
-e Displays more detailed error messages. Displays a stack trace, if an exception occurs.
to your gpt command.
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September 1, 2022, 4:32pm
I’m use snap version 9.0.0 (All Toolboxes window 64 Bit Main download) in window 11 and this is my batch and gpt file
batch script.bat (1016 Bytes)
Graph_S1B.xml (8.1 KB)