Blank screen result after supervised classification

I download a image of sentinel2B make a subset of image resampling the sub set give training sites on vector data and use maximum likelihood classifier
after processing it show me blank s


Classification only works with reprojected data

i followed this procedure
1st make a subset of image
2nd reprojected the image
3rd resampling the image
and the start supervised classification
plz guide me the peper procedure
and also some procedures about reproduction

plz someone guide me

I think it is best to start with the S2 resampling operator to bring all bands to the same resolution, then make a subset, then reproject to WGS84, then import the training data

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how to reproject the image

Raster > Geometric > Reprojection

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showing this menu what do next ??

remove the checkbox “reproject tie point grids” and start with Run

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not working again showing me blank screen

this is hard to reproduce without more information.

Maybe you can follow along this tutorial: