I want to know, Calibration in SNAP Data (Sigma0) = backscatter coefficient
Is this the end? Is there anything more I have to do for backscatter coefficient?
Then… you mean I can’t use that backsactter coefficient from sigma0?
But I know many published approaches use regressions to estimate soil moisture from sigma0…
So how can I derive the backscattering coefficient from S1A_IW_GRD products? I need backscattering coefficients to match my scattering model of electromagnetic wave. Consequently, exact backscattering coefficients are really important. Thank you, sir.
I see nothing wrong with that.
You will still have some radiometric inaccuracies, maybe resulting from topography and the quality of the DEM in the terrain flattening step.
Excuse me, sir. What can I do more to obtain the exact backscattering coefficients? And, in my Step 3, the output result is Beta0 band. Should I output the Sigma0 band? What is the difference among Beta0, Sigma0 and Gamma0 band?