I have classified a sentinel 2 image with the help of Random forest classifier, got the distribution in labeled classes in frequencies…my question is, those frequencies are also representing the area of the particular class …?
Sir, this particular raster(District) actual area is 3229 square kilometers…but classified image showing very less area as below 100 square kilometers. i think i need to do again ??
Sir… Actually that data (maize area 6.5 Hectares) is belongs training samples, but i am getting difficulty to found the mask area from the classified Labeled classes.
The output of the classification is one thing - if this underestimates a particular class, you have to adjust your trining samples or select a different classifier.
If, however, the area computation is wrong, it is maybe better to reproject the classification to UTM using nearest neightbor resampling.
Can someone here help me out to - calculate classified classes’ area in ESA’S SNAP.
One way I know is to mask out pixels through Mask manager. But in this case, I have a classified image with few classes and I need an area of each one. Is there a way in a snap or should I go for alternative software?