Have a working processing chain using S1 GRD products but due to the poor geographical location references in GRD products I try to produce a cropped GRD from SLC products. Will do “stack” operations and change detection using the cropped images and need co-registration level of geo references.
Using snap gpt and a batch script as attached. slc2geotiff.xml (6.3 KB)
the geolocation accuracy of GRD data is actually not that bad. It does not contain terrain-induced shifts, but the overall position of the image at the earth’s surface is correct.
Making a GRD from SLC makes little sense to me, to be honest. So maybe we can solve this differently?
Could you please clarify what you mean with “due to the poor geographical location references in GRD products”?
please apply Range Doppler Terrain Correction first before you overlay the data with vectors. This will improve the geolocation accuracy of the pixels significantly.
looks good. But again, converting SLC to GRD will not give you better geolocation. I recommend to test it once with GRD outside a batch script and check if the result is sufficient.
Thanks! Got the batch terrain correction/subset working with GRD, looks quite good. Is there a way to add additional map sources, like google maps to the WorldWind Analysis View?
How would I terrain correct the different polarizations separately? I need these as two geotiff files, not one with two bands. Any ideas for the batch script?
tie-point grids are not treated as official bands and Terrain Correction (including conversion to GeoTiff) will probably lose these grids.
More importantly, after terrain correction, the initial tie-point grids are of lower positional accuracy (they exist from the beginning, but terrain induced shifts are not contained). If you need the coordinates of each pixel, I suggest to perform terrain correction first and then create the lat and lon bands in the band maths with the expressions X and Y
This can be done with the gpt as well.
In a last step, you can export the GeoTiff with all three rasters.
I agree that it can be contained by a GeoTiff, but the tie-points are generally no longer a part (because they contain obsolete information) after Terrain Correction.