I would like to download product from sentinel 1 hub to do oil spill detection. in other words, what are the parameters should I use, sensor mode, and the place to download the data where I can do oil spill detection using sentinel 1 toolbox
Parameters for search
- Sentinel 1 (A or B)
- Mode: IW (Interferometric Wide Swath)
- Product Level: GRD
- Polarization: VV or VV+VH
Application in SNAP
- Menu > Radar > SAR Applications > Ocean Appliations > Oil Spill Detection
- SAR Marine Users Manual: http://www.sarusersmanual.com/ManualPDF/NOAASARManual_CH11_pg263-276.pdf
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csTLtqZafl0 Example for Envisat, works the same.
- ESA: https://sentinels.copernicus.eu/web/sentinel/news/-/article/sentinel-1-supports-detection-of-illegal-oil-spills
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Thanks, can sentinel 1 use for oil spill detection on lands rather than on sea
I would not generally decline that but it’s certainly harder because of the different surface materials.