Error in running mt_prep_snap. "slc.par" and "matlab: Command not found."

Hello Everybody, Greetings !!! I am New Users to StaMPS. I have been trying to learn follow the Tutorial and Youtube Videos produced by Dinh Ho Tong Minh to execute the Software. My task is to perform time series deformation using PS-InSAR. After two weeks i have been stuck in one steps that is mt_prep_snap. I am using Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS WSL in Windows 11 Operating System. I am using StaMPS-4.1-beta and MATLAB2023b. I tried to figure out the problem and try to perform the steps in Segmentation Fault (core dumped) error during mt_prep_snap - #17 by ABraun. But i have gcc version 11.4.0 already. So, Do i need to downgrade my gcc version to 7. After number of trial to run mt_prep_snap my error looks like below.

I am hoping for yours suggestion to solve the issue with “ps_parms_initial.m: No such file or directory.” Thanking you all.