While i’m trying to create the pre processing graph from sentinel-2 images there are some error messages i’m constantly having as ‘‘the naming convention structure is invalid for input file’’ (1)(while i’m loading the .txt file that i’ve manually generated from the copy of pre processing graph .txt file of snap’s original, with replacing the lines that marked with ‘’!’’) and ‘‘graph exception error’’ (2) are including ones. I’ve check the formats of naming conventions from https://sentinel.esa.int/web/sentinel/user-guides/sentinel-2-msi/naming-convention of the sentinel-2 images that i’ve downloaded both from earth explorer and sci-hub but probably the error is not caused by this. Additionally, with the different images that sensed different times from same sources, i could created the pre processing graph without any problem. So i’d like to ask what would be the reason of the diffrences of these results.
The error messages i got are attached below with the numbers i used, respectively.
In the log file warnings are shown as:
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: Binning disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: FUB.Water disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: FlhMci disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: FuClassification disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: Mci.s2 disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: Merge disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: Mosaic disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: NdviOp disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: PixEx disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: PpeFiltering disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: ReflectanceToRadianceOp disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: RemoteExecutionOp disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: SmacOp disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: SpectralAngleMapperOp disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: StatisticsOp disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: Unmix disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: c2rcc.landsat8 disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: c2rcc.meris disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: c2rcc.meris4 disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: c2rcc.modis disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: c2rcc.msi disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: c2rcc.olci disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: c2rcc.seawifs disabled from GraphBuilder
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: c2rcc.viirs disabled from GraphBuilder
INFO [org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.s2.ortho.S2OrthoProductReaderPlugIn]: Building product reader - EPSG:32639
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The naming convention structure is invalid for input file