I install ESA-SNAP 8.0 64bit on Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit and i have python3.8 version 64 bit and Java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64 .
I have problem with python configuration to take snappy python API .
In config step i take this error :
./snappy-conf /usr/bin/python3 /home/username/.snap/snap-python/snappy
Configuring SNAP-Python interface…
java.io.IOException: Python configuration failed.
Command [/usr/bin/python3 ./snappyutil.py --snap_home /home/username/snap --java_module /home/username/snap/snap/modules/org-esa-snap-snap-python.jar --force --log_file ./snappyutil.log --jvm_max_mem 5G --java_home /home/username/snap/jre/jre --req_arch amd64]
failed with return code 10.
Please check the log file ‘/home/username/.snap/snap-python/snappy/snappy/snappyutil.log’.
at org.esa.snap.python.PyBridge.configureJpy(PyBridge.java:232)
at org.esa.snap.python.PyBridge.installPythonModule(PyBridge.java:149)
at org.esa.snap.rcp.cli.SnapArgsProcessor.processPython(SnapArgsProcessor.java:103)
at org.esa.snap.rcp.cli.SnapArgsProcessor.process(SnapArgsProcessor.java:49)
at org.netbeans.modules.sendopts.DefaultProcessor.process(DefaultProcessor.java:202)
at org.netbeans.spi.sendopts.Option$1.process(Option.java:387)
at org.netbeans.api.sendopts.CommandLine.process(CommandLine.java:317)
at org.netbeans.modules.sendopts.HandlerImpl.execute(HandlerImpl.java:62)
at org.netbeans.modules.sendopts.Handler.cli(Handler.java:69)
at org.netbeans.CLIHandler.notifyHandlers(CLIHandler.java:234)
at org.netbeans.core.startup.CLICoreBridge.cli(CLICoreBridge.java:82)
at org.netbeans.CLIHandler.notifyHandlers(CLIHandler.java:234)
at org.netbeans.CLIHandler$1.exec(CLIHandler.java:268)
at org.netbeans.CLIHandler.finishInitialization(CLIHandler.java:447)
at org.netbeans.MainImpl.finishInitialization(MainImpl.java:256)
at org.netbeans.Main.finishInitialization(Main.java:92)
at org.netbeans.core.startup.Main.start(Main.java:316)
at org.netbeans.core.startup.TopThreadGroup.run(TopThreadGroup.java:123)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Python configuration error: Python configuration failed.
Command [/usr/bin/python3 ./snappyutil.py --snap_home /home/username/snap --java_module /home/username/snap/snap/modules/org-esa-snap-snap-python.jar --force --log_file ./snappyutil.log --jvm_max_mem 5G --java_home /home/username/snap/jre/jre --req_arch amd64]
failed with return code 10.
Please check the log file ‘/home/username/.snap/snap-python/snappy/snappy/snappyutil.log’.
In snappyutil.log :
INFO: Installing from Java module ‘/home/username/snap/snap/modules/org-esa-snap-snap-python.jar’
WARNING: Architecture requirement possibly not met: Python is x86_64 but JVM requires amd64
INFO: Installing jpy…
ERROR: The module ‘jpy’ is required to run snappy, but no binary ‘jpy’ wheel matching the pattern
‘jpy-{version}-cp38-{abi_tag}-linux_x86_64.whl’ could be found.
You can try to build a ‘jpy’ wheel yourself, then copy it into
“/home/saran/.snap/snap-python/snappy”, and then run the configuration again.
Unzip the jpy sources in /home/username/.snap/snap-python/snappy/jpy-.zip, then
cd jpy-<version>
python setup.py bdist_wheel
cp dist/*.whl "/home/username/.snap/snap-python/snappy"
Or get the source code from https://github.com/bcdev/jpy and follow the build instructions:
git clone GitHub - bcdev/jpy: A bi-directional Python-Java bridge used to embed Java in CPython or the other way round.
$ cd jpy
ERROR: Configuration failed with exit code 10
Finally i try to follow this information from this post : Unable to install snappy - jpy problem? - #27 by arnab
1-Download and install Anaconda 3 2020.02 (to get python 3.7 directly)
2-Download and install git
3-Download and install maven
4-Download and install sentinelsat
5-Download and install the latest version of SNAP toolboxes, configure it with the python.exe of Anaconda 3
6-Download and install Visual studio C++ v14 or greater https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/
7-cd to C\user.snap\snap-python\snappy and: git clone https://github.com/bcdev/jpy.git
8-cd to C\user.snap\snap-python\snappy\jpy and: python setup.py bdist_wheel
(if it raises an error such as “JAVA_HOME ext folder exists” then remove the “ext” folder placed where the cmd “echo %JAVA_HOME%” return
9-copy to …snap\snap-python\snappy the .whl file at …snap\snap-python\snappy\jpy\dist
10-cd to C\user.snap\snap-python\snappy and: python setup.py install, then: pip install <.whl file>
11-cd to C:\Program Files\snap\bin and: snappy-conf.bat <path to python.exe of Anaconda 3>
12-copy to Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\snappy the files at …snap\snap-python\snappy
but in step 11 i take some error .
Any idea ?it is python version error ?need only python 3.6 version ?