Hello, everyone. If I want to Decompose Sentinel-1 SLC data for getting H-Alpha Plane. What pre-processing should I do?
The other question is whether I can use (VH+VV) SLC data to get Freeman-Durden Decomposition result?
this was discussed already in several topics:
I have tried the same procedure as proposed
2.TOPS Split
4.TOPS Deburst
5.Matrix Generation
But in Matrix Generation I get the following error:
I skipped that matrix generation step but I also get some errors in Decomposition steep
Can you give me some advice?
If I Deburst directly after I import the SLC data, the following error occurs
Most decompositions require fully polarized SAR data (S1 is dual only). That probably caused the “input should be a polarimetric product” error.
And the Java Heap Space measage indicates that your computer ran out of memory. I think this is the correct order.
If you want to calibrate first , select “complex calibration” in the calibration module.
Decomposition of dual pol data is described in Raney, K. https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2011JE003986
Check ESA Polsarpro project, if they have implemented it.
The Stokes parameters and compact pol decompositions are coming in release 7 of SNAP. Since they work on a C2 matrix they could be applied to Sentinel-1 SLC but, does anyone know how effective it would be in separating different components in practice?
Thank you Sir,After my experiment, the correct order is Apply Orbit file>>Calibrate>>Tops Deburst>>H/A dual deccomposition.
@lveci Hi.could you find any answer for your question?it’s also my question. could I use sentinel-1 for compact polarimetry?
Good morning all
I want to know mister Iveci if you have an article which explains the relation between the matrix C2 and the parameters of Stokes
thank you in advance