I need the steps applied to create the interferogram in SNAP 6.0 and the phase developed in SNAPHU

First of all, your steps look alright to me, the order is fine.

Water areas decorrelate within a few seconds, getting inteferometric information here is nearly impossible. Some discussions on this: Sentinel 1A_reservoir water level extraction

these are non-coherent processes and therefore cannot be monitored by DInSAR, please also see mengdahl’s comment on this here.

It depends a bit on your study area. The risk of decorrelation is quite high for c-band over such a long period. Especially if you have lots of vegetation, you will be left with only small areas of high coherence and the unwrapping between these areas (no fringes here) will produce weird results.
Another aspect is the amount of displacement you expect within two images. If it exeeds the wavelength (about 5 cm for C-band) you will also lose control over the absolute amount, because the phase shift is no longer resolvable.