iCOR-Sentinel 2 exception

After having installed iCOR fot Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8. I tried this functionality with sentinel-2 MSI data, I got this exception notice:

it says:Something went wrong while parsing the S2 metadata file: not well-formed (invalid token)

How to solve this exception?

Dear User,

Please be informed that if you are using SNAP v6.x.x you should download (from http://ec2-52-211-176-168.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com/) the iCOR patch for SNAP 6.

Best Regards,

Yes. I have downloaded the patch and it is OK now. Thanks.

I am using SNAP 9 and ICOR 3. How to get the ICor patch for SNAP 9?

I think you don’t need it. I assume that the patch is already included in the latest icor version.
And according to your other post you are not affected by the described error.
Unfortunately, by some other error.

Hi dear,
Did you find a solution to this?
I am facing a similar issue now.