Interferogram from Alos palsar 1.1 data


  1. Read master and slave
  2. Create Stack :
    extent: Master
    resampling type: Bicubic interpolation
    initial offset method: orbit
  3. Cross-correlation
    fineRegistrationOversampling: 16
    only GCPsonLand: false
    gcpTolerance: 0.25
    fineRegistrationWindowWidth: 32
    fineRegistrationWindowAccAzimuth: 16
    fineRegistrationAccRange: 16
    rowInterpFactor : 4
    InSAROptimixed: true
    ApplyFineRegistration: true
    fineRegistrationWindowHeight: 64
    columnInterpFactor: 4
    maxIteration: 10
    coarseRegistrationWindowHeigth: 128
    numGCPtoGenerate: 10000
    coherenceThreshold: 0.6
    coherenceRegistrationWindowWidth: 128
  4. Warp:
    interpolationMethod: Cubic convolution (6 points)
    warpPolynomialOrder: 1
    rmsthreshold: 0.05
  5. Interferogram:
    substractFlatEarthPhase: true
    srpPolynomialDegree: 8
    srpNumberPoints: 1001
    orbitDegree: 5
    substractTopographicPhase : false (after seeing last post better not do it until solved)

I guess that some parameters had been exagerated, but I wanted to verify whether with SNAP we could solved the issues due mainly to, coregistration errors (causing low coherence at first instance) and secondly wrong FlatEarth estimated and removed, keeping finally the fringes due to ionospheric effects typical from L-band SAR systems.

After my last post, please verify always if topo phase is correctly removed. Seeing one of @Abraun posts it seem that the TerrainCorrection worked fine instead.

I hope this may help you.