Originally published at: http://step.esa.int/main/new-release-of-sen2cor-2-8-is-available/
Dear Users, we are pleased to provide Sen2Cor Release 2.8 under: http://step.esa.int/main/third-party-plugins-2/sen2cor/sen2cor_v2.8/ Stand-alone installers for the three operating systems Linux, Windows and macOS are now available. All three versions require a 64-bit platform. Regarding the algorithm, the main improvements of the Sen2Cor 2.8 processor compared to previous version 2.5.5 are: Support of the L1C generated…
As explained by @kraftek, Sen2Cor version 2.8.0 contains new features and improvements respect to Sen2Cor v2.5.5 but it doesn’t support some old products. For this, we have decided to support both sen2cor versions by two different plugins in SNAP, so you can execute both. For that, two new plugins have been created and are available in the update center: SEN2COR280 and SEN2COR255. With these changes, the old Sen2Cor plugin has become obsolete.
The recommended steps for working with the new plugins are:
Uninstall the old sen2cor plugin if you installed it:
Tools -> Manage External Tools -> Select the Sen2cor row and click on the delete button
Tools -> Plugins -> Installed : Select the Sen2Cor plugin and uninstall it.
Install the new plugins
Tools -> Plugins -> Available plugins : Select the plugins and install them
If you do this properly, you should have now new menu items:
Download and install the Sen2Cor tool from SNAP:
Tools -> Manage External Tools : Select one of the operators and click the Edit button. Go to the “Bundled Binaries” tab and click the button for Download and Install
Repeat the same steps for the other Sen2Cor version.
Finally, you should see this in the External Tools window:
Thank you booth @kraftek and @obarrilero for this update, I have question please,
According to this screenshot it’s possible to call the operator by “L2A_Process.py” using cmd windows!
But how to specify the specific resolution, let’s say 10 m only using this call?
Hi @falahfakhri,
it is not recommended to use directly the python script since the .bat script is configuring previously some environment variables in order to use the python version bundled in the sen2cor package.
You should use L2A_Process.bat, and to specify the resolution you have to add to the parameters “–resolution 10” for example.
Is this correct?
“L2A_Process.bat --resolution 10”
Yes, but it is missing the input folder at the end. Also, if you do not indicate resolution, it will compute at 20 and 10m resolution.
In case adding up the directory input like this “L2A_Process.bat --resolution 10 D:\S2”
What is the reason of navigating and changing directory to the L_1C directory in the shell?
Thank you for the information! I wonder what you exactly mean by “some old products”? are all products with the old format (before 06/12/2016) not supported anymore?
I meant products like these:
But you can process them with sen2cor v2.5.5.
Hi I can see that using the GUI i can specify the number of threads to run sen2cor on which can decrease the processing time down to 8 minutes. How can i specify this option when calling it from the L2A_process.bat file