Originally published at: http://step.esa.int/main/new-release-of-snaphu-1-4-2-is-available/
SNAPHU is releasing the new version 1.4.2 available to be downloaded from here. The news of this version is the provide of the installer file. Two-dimensional phase unwrapping is the process of recovering unambiguous phase data from a 2-D array of phase values known only modulo 2pi rad. SNAPHU is an implementation of the Statistical-cost,…
that is just great, can’t wait to test it!
Another exciting thing is that Windows-users do not have to deal with Cygwin anymore, as we’ve bundled SNAPHU with MSYS:
Also, we’re working on an external tool adapter so that SNAPHU can be invoked directly from SNAP - stay tuned.
Dear all, I have added the installation file for 32-bit Windows (it was missing in the initial release). The SNAP external tool adapter is in progress. Enjoy it!
Have you seen this:
Now, there is also a SNAP plugin for SNAPHU.
Hi Oana,
In the plugin information, it’s not clear Whether it is Snaphu 1.4.2 or it is the last released version Snahphu 2.0!
The same version 1.4.2 is used in both SNAP plugin and manual installation files.
The SNAP plugin is just an automatic installation (different from the manual one), if we have both ways of installing, only using the same version would make sense. If another version would have been used inside the SNAP plugin, this would have been stated.
Plus, if you carefully read the remark at the end of the SNAP plugin installation instructions, you will get a hint that it’s 1.4.2 the version used.
I meant it’s unclear in here,
that is just great, can’t wait to test it!