After re-installing snap, some internal updates might have to be installed again.
After installing all updates, you have to perform terrain correction again.
Was the original data completely downloaded?
Was the Sentinel-1 data extracted after downloading? You can open the zip file (without extraction) or the manifest file (after extraction).
Did you try to open it via Menu > Import > SAR Sensors > Sentinel-1
I assure that original data was completely downloaded.And I used manifest file.
I also try to open data via Menu >Import >SAR Sensors > Sentinel-1, so I really confuse about this problem.
Dear @Johnny_wu , this is not related to Terrain correction tool. What is the size of the output product? Also check the pixcel values of your product by moving the cursor.
In terrain correction, there is a option- Mask out areas without elevation. It should be checked or not?
If its checked image are not display in the window. So tell me the correct step.
1.In Apply orbit file process, there is one option- Do not fail if new orbit file is not found.
So it should be check or not?
Some system it process without checking that option, some are not.
2.Another one it is necessity to do apply orbit file for pre-processing?
Hi, I am not sure if it is the right place to ask. However, i am wondering is there any reference that i can look for how the range-Doppler terrain correction works with DEM in SAR/sentinel-1? I haven’t found any scripts/codes/equations/documents yet regarding this.