Many thanks for the reply, Andreas. I have already done the same procedure several times with 2 different computers and 2 different SNAP versions, and for some unknown reason, it do not work. Did you use a HDF file downloaded from the EarthExplorer/USGS website?
I am however unsure about the information content, because I expected more bands than just 5. There is also the “Visible Product” which is downloaded as a tif file and only contains three bands.
You can try my dataset: AST_L1T_00309302015103956_20151001082516_8777
Thanks, Andreas. I have been using the “Standard Product” with the 14 bands, which I have problems to open with SNAP. I will try with the other options to download, but the ideal option is the complete product with the 14 bands that includes, VIS, NIR, SWIR and TIR bands with different spatial (pixel size) and radiometric resolutions, which I think may be an issue.
Dears, if you want to use ASTER data you can now use the EOMasters Pro Toolbox. It supports ASTER L1T of collection version ‘003’ and ‘031’.
See the release announcement: Release of EOMasters Toolbox Pro v1.2
Yes, the license is permanent. At least for this major version. It is valid for all 1.x versions. At some point at time, I will move to version 2 and then a new license will be necessary for that version. But the license for 1.x will still be valid.
No, unfortunately not. Version 1.2 depends on SNAP 11. Only version up to 1.1.1 is compatible with SNAP 10.
Yes, this works. All VNIR, SWIR, and TIR bands are accessible by the opened product if they are contained in the data file. And you can use the standard resampling of SNAP to bring all bands to 15m resolution using, e.g., the VNIR_BAND_1 as reference.
This I can’t fully answer. Of course, the spectrum changes a bit, but not much. And it depends on which bands you are using for the classification. superresolved are only the bands B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8,B8A,B11,B12. The others can be upscaled using bicubic interpolation. My assumption that the classification is not significantly affected. But you can try it and use the trial version for 2 weeks.
One warning. Cause of a bug in SNAP the tie-points are not correctly stored when using BEAM-DIMAP or the ZNAP format. I hope this will be fixed with the next SNAP update. Using NetCDF as storage format should be fine.
Marco from EOMasters - Mastering Earth Observation