I have a problem when I use this tool I get the following message:
A problem occurred during the target product initialisation.
Type: OperatorException
Message: Source product should first be deburst.
I would like to know what solution or what I should do, I already uninstalled the software and reinstalled it, I have tried several things that I have seen in similar questions and nothing has worked for me.
Please consult the FAQ “Read This Before Posting”. Provide enough detail so that others can reproduce your problem: OS and version, SNAP version, your input data. If you are following a tutorial document you should mention the document you are using.
I have already consulted them, however, the options that are detailed in other similar problems do not work for my problem and I have already tried them, download some images of Sentinel 1, band B, to make some coverage classifications, when carrying out the correction processes and others steps required, I try to perform the range Doppler terrain correction processing and it won’t let me do it, I’m trying to see if trimming and making the area a little smaller fixes the problem, however any other process or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
If you are new to SAR you should start with the basics before attempting processing S-1 SLC:s. If you are not planning to do InSAR you should be working with GRD:s instead of SLC:s, as the processing is a lot simpler and faster.
Thank you all for your answers, however I found the solution not in the FAQ, but in the link and process that I detail below, for which I am very grateful to Andreas Braun from Germany (ABraun) for providing these instructions and others