S1 Radar - Apply Orbit File not responding

In my case (Linux) and I think it should be similar on Windows the orbit files should be under two folders:

.*RESORB.* under <home>/.snap/auxdata/Orbits/Sentinel-1/RESORB
.*ORBPRE.* under <home>/.snap/auxdata/Orbits/Sentinel-1/POEORB/

Under each these folders/directories there should be a folder for S1A and S1B followed by the year and months as per the zip you downloaded followed. Here’s an example of how it should be organized (note that the zip is not to be extracted!):


In other words, they should be organized just as they are on the server where they were downloaded.

Moreover, I noticed that S1B_OPER_MPL_ORBPRE_20190106T200403_20190113T200403_0001 does not exist on the server. Where did you download it from?