SAR Subset

Is there any way in SNAP to clip the image through an available clipping shape file rather than giving the coordinates of the area of interest manually?


no need for new topics at all times :slight_smile:


Hi everyone,
Recently, I downloaded Sentinel 1 - SAR image. When I open file in SNAP, location of my study area was reversed. I think there is something wrong here. Anyone can explain for me and give me solution.

Thank you very much.

The images are in sensing geometry, you need terrain correct them before use. Study the tutorials and older discussions on this forum.

Dear all,
Firstly, thank you Mengdaht,
I used terrain correct and my image was right in shape.
However, when I used image corrected terrain to analyse polarimetric parameters in SNAP, it appear this message. Anyone can help me.
Thank you in advance

Your data is VV/VH only. For most of the polarimetric analyses you need full-polarized data HH/HV/VH/VV

Besides that, calibrating to Sigma0 is no suitable pre-processing for polarimetry. Use the complex calibration instead.

I am so sorry. I cant find the answer about to clip the image through an available clipping shape file rather than giving the coordinates of the area of interest manually?

Use the Land/Sea Mask operator - you will find instructions here:

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