Sen2Cor standalone command line

Hi! I am new to phyton and sen2cor. I have been trying -so far, unsuccessfully- to install the plugin and run it. I am using windows 10. First i tried Sen2Cor 2.4. standalone with snap, but it didn’t work. At the begging there were some errors with the Home and the Bin, which i tried to solve following these treads:

I have tried uninstalling and re installing several times. According to most posts, it will only work on command line. So far i’ve managed to install it, but i am not sure how to execute the atmospheric correction. Can anyone tell me how to do it?

C:\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64>call L2A_Process.bat -h
usage: [-h] [–resolution {10,20,60}] [–sc_only] [–cr_only]
[–refresh] [–GIP_L2A GIP_L2A]

Sentinel-2 Level 2A Processor (Sen2Cor). Version: 2.4.0, created: 2017.06.05,
supporting Level-1C product version: 14.

positional arguments:
directory Directory where the Level-1C input files are located

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
–resolution {10,20,60}
Target resolution, can be 10, 20 or 60m. If omitted,
all resolutions will be processed
–sc_only Performs only the scene classification at 60 or 20m
–cr_only Performs only the creation of the L2A product tree, no
–refresh Performs a refresh of the persistent configuration
before start
–GIP_L2A GIP_L2A Select the user GIPP
Select the scene classification GIPP
Select the atmospheric correction GIPP



you are already close to it.

Last thing you need to do is to tell sen2cor where your data is located.
Simply open the command line in a folder where your S2 data (the folder ending with .SAFE) is located.
There you type:
L2A_process --resolution 10 NameOfTheFolder.SAFE
Replace _NameOfTheFolder.SAF_E with the actual folder name. Instead of typing it down, you can enter the first letters and then hit the tab key to complete the full path name.


In promtp window , i write L2A_Process and at the end there is an error too few arguments.
What can i do?
Thanks in advance

please just read my post above yours.

i read the post. The environment variables are ok, i cannot find out the problem. Anyway, I tried to install the sen2cor from anaconda.
After the L2A Process --help, there is an import error : No module named gdal, do you know what can i do for this?

thanks in advance

I have downloaded the stand alone version of sen2cor, put it in C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64 and added this to system path. When I type L2A_Process.bat at the cmd I get a list of options, so it seems to work.

When I try:
L2A_Process.bat --resolution 10 G:\S2A_OPER_PRD_MSIL1C_PDMC_20160921T193747_R051_V20160908T105022_20160908T105416.SAFE

The result is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\site-packages\s
en2cor\”, line 355, in
File “C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\site-packages\s
en2cor\”, line 170, in main
File “C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\site-packages\se
n2cor\”, line 4897, in setProductVersion
doc = objectify.parse(os.path.join(self.sourceDir, filename))
File “src/lxml/lxml.objectify.pyx”, line 1835, in lxml.objectify.parse (src\lx
File “src/lxml/lxml.etree.pyx”, line 3427, in lxml.etree.parse (src\lxml\lxml.
File “src/lxml/parser.pxi”, line 1782, in lxml.etree._parseDocument (src\lxml
File “src/lxml/parser.pxi”, line 1808, in lxml.etree._parseDocumentFromURL (sr
File “src/lxml/parser.pxi”, line 1712, in lxml.etree._parseDocFromFile (src\lx
File “src/lxml/parser.pxi”, line 1115, in lxml.etree._BaseParser._parseDocFrom
File (src\lxml\lxml.etree.c:109930)
File “src/lxml/parser.pxi”, line 573, in lxml.etree._ParserContext._handlePars
eResultDoc (src\lxml\lxml.etree.c:103404)
File “src/lxml/parser.pxi”, line 683, in lxml.etree._handleParseResult (src\lx
File “src/lxml/parser.pxi”, line 613, in lxml.etree._raiseParseError (src\lxml
lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: Document is empty, line 1, column 1

What can I do?

did you forget the : in your path G:\ ?

“too few arguments” means that sen2cor was installed correctly but doesn’t know what to do.

The gdal error however is more severe: try to enter conda install gdal and run again.

“did you forget the : in your path G:\ ?”

No, that was a typo in the post, not in the process. If I forget : then the file is not found.

Thank you! I tried but it didn’t work. It shows this error:

C:\Tabaconas\Sentinel>L2A_process --resolution 10 S2A_MSIL1C_20170606T153621_N0205_R068_T17MPQ_20170606T154217.SAFE
“L2A_process” no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo,
programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable.

Which translates into: “L2A_process” is not recognized as an internal or external command,
program or batch file executable.

Thank you again!

in this case you need to add the path of the folder where sen2cor is installed to your system’s PATH variable:

It took me around 45 hours to proccess sen2cor by command line. For 18 hours it was working slowly but normally and then when it reached 98% it would come back to 97,6%. After next 27 hours it kept on going to 98% and then going back to 97,6%. After that I had this error. There no images in new folder, so it was working for 45 hours for nth. To be honest I am very disappointed that sen2cor is not working just like the last version…

Progress[%]: 97.79 : PID-5768, L2A_Tables: band B09 imported, elapsed time[s]: 2
Progress[%]: 97.82 : PID-5768, L2A_Tables: band B10 imported, elapsed time[s]: 2
Progress[%]: 97.86 : PID-5768, L2A_Tables: band B11 imported, elapsed time[s]: 2
Progress[%]: 97.89 : PID-5768, L2A_Tables: band B12 imported, elapsed time[s]: 2
Progress[%]: 97.89 : PID-5768, L2A_ProcessTile: start of Scene Classification, e
lapsed time[s]: 0.016
Progress[%]: 97.90 : PID-5768, Pre process , elapsed time[s]: 2.730
Progress[%]: 97.92 : PID-5768, L2A_SC init , elapsed time[s]: 15.958
Progress[%]: 97.93 : PID-5768, L2A_CSND_1_1 , elapsed time[s]: 4.212
Progress[%]: 97.93 : PID-5768, L2A_CSND_1_2 , elapsed time[s]: 4.166
Progress[%]: 97.94 : PID-5768, L2A_CSND_2_0 , elapsed time[s]: 2.731
Progress[%]: 97.94 : PID-5768, L2A_CSND_2_1 , elapsed time[s]: 3.697
Progress[%]: 97.95 : PID-5768, L2A_CSND_2_1_2, elapsed time[s]: 3.042
Progress[%]: 97.95 : PID-5768, L2A_CSND_2_2 , elapsed time[s]: 1.981
Progress[%]: 97.96 : PID-5768, L2A_CSND_2_3 , elapsed time[s]: 1.888
Progress[%]: 97.96 : PID-5768, L2A_CSND_2_4 , elapsed time[s]: 3.432
Progress[%]: 97.97 : PID-5768, L2A_CSND_2_5 , elapsed time[s]: 4.321
Progress[%]: 97.98 : PID-5768, L2A_CSND_3 , elapsed time[s]: 6.522
Progress[%]: 97.99 : PID-5768, L2A_CSND_5_1 , elapsed time[s]: 5.522
Progress[%]: 97.63 : PID-5768, L2A_CSND_5_2 , elapsed time[s]: 9.282
Progress[%]: 97.64 : PID-5768, L2A_CSND_6 , elapsed time[s]: 6.911
Progress[%]: 97.64 : PID-5768, L2A_CSND_6_2 , elapsed time[s]: 3.900
Progress[%]: 97.65 : PID-5768, L2A_CSND_7 , elapsed time[s]: 4.196
Progress[%]: 98.29 : PID-5768, L2A_SHD , elapsed time[s]: 643.584
Progress[%]: 97.92 : PID-5768, DV recovery , elapsed time[s]: 6.490
Progress[%]: 97.93 : PID-5768, WP recovery , elapsed time[s]: 6.084
Progress[%]: 97.94 : PID-5768, Snow recovery , elapsed time[s]: 6.417
Progress[%]: 97.95 : PID-5768, Soil recovery , elapsed time[s]: 3.541
Progress[%]: 97.90 : PID-5768, Post process , elapsed time[s]: 204.627
Progress[%]: 97.90 : PID-5768, L2A_ProcessTile: start of Atmospheric Correction,
elapsed time[s]: 0.499
Progress[%]: 97.91 : PID-5768, L2A_AtmCorr: end of calculation terrain maps, ela
psed time[s]: 6.255
Progress[%]: 97.91 : PID-5768, L2A_AtmCorr: start of AOT retrieval at 550nm, ela
psed time[s]: 0.078
Progress[%]: 97.95 : PID-5768, L2A_AtmCorr: end of internal classification, elap
sed time[s]: 27.347
Progress[%]: 97.95 : PID-5768, L2A_AtmCorr: end of interpolation LUTs, elapsed t
ime[s]: 1.358
Progress[%]: 97.67 : PID-5768, L2A_AtmCorr: end retrieving reference pixels for
dark areas, elapsed time[s]: 57.307
Progress[%]: 97.94 : PID-5768, L2A_AtmCorr: end of check for negative reflectanc
e pixels, elapsed time[s]: 175.242
Progress[%]: 98.00 : PID-5768, L2A_AtmCorr: end of visibility index calculation,
elapsed time[s]: 35.134
Progress[%]: 97.63 : PID-5768, L2A_AtmCorr: end of AOT retrieval at 550nm, elaps
ed time[s]: 3.198
Progress[%]: 97.63 : PID-5768, L2A_AtmCorr: start of water vapour retrieval, ela
psed time[s]: 0.031
Process L2A_ProcessTile-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\lib\mul
tiprocessing\”, line 258, in _bootstrap
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 135, in run
if self.process_10() == False:
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 181, in process_10
return self.process_10()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 178, in process_10
if not self.process_20():
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 157, in process_20
return self.process()
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 219, in process
if ac.process() == False:
File “”, line 3244, in L2A_AtmCorr.L2A_AtmCorr.process (L2A_AtmC
File “”, line 9797, in L2A_AtmCorr.L2A_AtmCorr.prepare_wv_retrie
val (L2A_AtmCorr.c:273730)
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Lib\sit
e-packages\sen2cor\”, line 2159, in getBand
array =
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\lib\sit
e-packages\tables\”, line 894, in read
arr = self._read(start, stop, step, out)
File “C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\lib\sit
e-packages\tables\”, line 851, in _read
self._read_array(start, stop, step, arr)
File “tables\hdf5extension.pyx”, line 1482, in tables.hdf5extension.Array._rea
d_array (tables\hdf5extension.c:17896)
HDF5ExtError: HDF5 error back trace

File “C:\sen2cor\deps\hdf5-1.8.18\src\H5Dio.c”, line 173, in H5Dread
can’t read data
File “C:\sen2cor\deps\hdf5-1.8.18\src\H5Dio.c”, line 554, in H5D__read
can’t read data
File “C:\sen2cor\deps\hdf5-1.8.18\src\H5Dchunk.c”, line 1875, in H5D__chunk_re
unable to read raw data chunk
File “C:\sen2cor\deps\hdf5-1.8.18\src\H5Dchunk.c”, line 2905, in H5D__chunk_lo
data pipeline read failed
File “C:\sen2cor\deps\hdf5-1.8.18\src\H5Z.c”, line 1372, in H5Z_pipeline
filter returned failure during read
File “C:\sen2cor\deps\hdf5-1.8.18\src\H5Zdeflate.c”, line 125, in H5Z_filter_d
inflate() failed

End of HDF5 error back trace

Problems reading the array data.
Progress[%]: 100.00 : Application terminated successfully.

I am able to process the 2017 files but unable to process any files that date from before the name change to shorter names. The error is :
File “src/lxml/parser.pxi”, line 613, in lxml.etree._raiseParseError (src\lxml\lxml.etree.c:103967)lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: Document is empty, line 1, column 1.
Could something be wrong with the xml? What can I do to resolve this? If I search for the error on the forum I get 1 result and that is my unanswered question. I have tried to install older versions of SNAP and sen2cor but have not been able to process any older images yet.

Hello, I am facing following error.

any help would be great

Thank you