Hi everyone,
I am trying to implement the sen4et (http://esa-sen4et.org/) product. So far I have been able to:
- Download a test image using “sentinel_data_download.py” in Python 3.6
- Run “Biophysical processor” in SNAP GUI
- Run the graphs “add_elevation.xml” and “add_landcover.xml” in SNAP Command-Line
- Run “leaf_spectra.py” and “frac_green.py” in Python 3.6
The images produced by the above mentioned processes appear to be adequate in range and extension.
However, when trying to run “structural_params.py” an error occurs…
C:\Users\SNMACIAS.snap\auxdata\sen-et-conda-Win64>python C:\Users\SNMACIAS.snap\auxdata\sen-et-conda-Win64\sen-et-snap-scripts\structural_params.py --landcover_map C:\Users\SNMACIAS\Downloads\sen-et\obr\landcover.dim --lai_map C:\Users\SNMACIAS\Downloads\sen-et\obr\200102_bio.dim --fgv_map C:\Users\SNMACIAS\Downloads\sen-et\obr\200102_fgv.dim --landcover_band land_cover_CCILandCover-2015 --lookup_table C:\Users\SNMACIAS.snap\auxdata\sen-et-conda-Win64\sen-et-snap-scripts\auxdata\LUT\ESA_CCI_LUT.csv --produce_vh N --produce_fc N --produce_chwr N --produce_lw N --produce_lid N --produce_igbp N --output_file C:\Users\SNMACIAS\Downloads\sen-et\obr\200102_str.dim
INFO: org.esa.snap.core.gpf.operators.tooladapter.ToolAdapterIO: Initializing external tool adapters
INFO: org.esa.snap.core.util.EngineVersionCheckActivator: Please check regularly for new updates for the best SNAP experience.
INFO: org.hsqldb.persist.Logger: dataFileCache open start
ERROR:list index out of range
I used the default “ESA_CCI_LUT.csv” file which separates entries by semi-colon ( rather than comma (,). I have checked the land use map (landcover.dim) and it includes the classes as expected (e.g. 0 to 220) and that are included in the *.csv file. I also tried to replace semi-colon by commas but I got a different error.
Can some give me a hand? please