Slower snappy processing

I have a question about the performance of snappy compared to the performance of SNAP toolbox.
I am using SNAP toolbox for deriving a subsidence map. I decided to create a graph (the one that is shown below) to automate the procedure.

I also found convenient using the snappy in python for automating this procedure without having to start SNAP toolbox. The code i wrote is provided below. The code works perfectly fine but the only issue I encounter is the speed.
When I load the graph into SNAP, it takes no more than 1.5 hour for the whole process. On the other hand, when I run the code with snappy, it takes more than 4 hours. It does not make much sense to me because we are effectively accessing the JAVA modules using python as an interface. Hence, one expect to get results as fast as in SNAP toolbox

import os
from snappy import GPF
from snappy import ProductIO
from snappy import HashMap
from snappy import jpy
import subprocess
from time import *

# Hashmap is used to give us access to all JAVA oerators
HashMap = jpy.get_type('java.util.HashMap')
parameters = HashMap()

def read(filename):
return ProductIO.readProduct(filename)

def write(product, filename):
    ProductIO.writeProduct(product, filename, "BEAM-DIMAP")

def topsar_split(product):
    parameters.put('subswath', 'IW1')
    parameters.put('selectedPolarisations', 'VV')
    return GPF.createProduct("TOPSAR-Split", parameters, product)

def apply_orbit_file(product):   
    parameters.put("Orbit State Vectors", "Sentinel Precise (Auto Download)")
    parameters.put("Polynomial Degree", 3)    
    return GPF.createProduct("Apply-Orbit-File", parameters, product)

def back_geocoding(product):    
    parameters.put("Digital Elevation Model", "SRTM 1Sec HGT (Auto Download)")
    parameters.put("DEM Resampling Method", "BICUBIC_INTERPOLATION")
    parameters.put("Resampling Type", "BISINC_5_POINT_INTERPOLATION")
    parameters.put("Mask out areas with no elevation", True)
    parameters.put("Output Deramp and Demod Phase", False)    
    return GPF.createProduct("Back-Geocoding", parameters, product)

def interferogram(product):  
    parameters.put("Subtract flat-earth phase", True)
    parameters.put("Degree of \"Flat Earth\" polynomial", 5)
    parameters.put("Number of \"Flat Earth\" estimation points", 501)
    parameters.put("Orbit interpolation degree", 3)
    parameters.put("Include coherence estimation", True)
    parameters.put("Square Pixel", False)
    parameters.put("Independent Window Sizes", False)   
    parameters.put("Coherence Azimuth Window Size", 10)
    parameters.put("Coherence Range Window Size", 10)   
    return GPF.createProduct("Interferogram", parameters, product)

 def topsar_deburst(product):       
      parameters.put("Polarisations", "VV")
      return GPF.createProduct("TOPSAR-Deburst", parameters, product)

def topophase_removal(product):
    parameters.put("Orbit Interpolation Degree", 3)
    parameters.put("Digital Elevation Model", "SRTM 1Sec HGT (Auto Download)")
    parameters.put("Tile Extension[%]", 100)
    parameters.put("Output topographic phase band", True)
    parameters.put("Output elevation band", False)
    return GPF.createProduct("TopoPhaseRemoval", parameters, product)

def goldstein_phasefiltering(product):
    parameters.put("Adaptive Filter Exponent in(0,1]:", 1.0)
    parameters.put("FFT Size", 64)
    parameters.put("Window Size", 3)
    parameters.put("Use coherence mask", False)
    parameters.put("Coherence Threshold in[0,1]:", 0.2)  
    return GPF.createProduct("GoldsteinPhaseFiltering", parameters, product)

def insar_pipeline(filename_1, filename_2):

    print('Reading SAR data')
    product_1 = read(filename_1)
    product_2 = read(filename_2)

    product_TOPSAR_1 = topsar_split(product_1)
    product_TOPSAR_2 = topsar_split(product_2)

    print('Applying precise orbit files')
    product_orbitFile_1 = apply_orbit_file(product_TOPSAR_1)
    product_orbitFile_2 = apply_orbit_file(product_TOPSAR_2)

    print('back geocoding')
    backGeocoding = back_geocoding([product_orbitFile_1, product_orbitFile_2])

    print('inerferogram generation')
    interferogram_formation = interferogram(backGeocoding)

    TOPSAR_deburst = topsar_deburst(interferogram_formation)

    print('TopoPhase removal')
    TOPO_phase_removal =topophase_removal(TOPSAR_deburst)

    print('Goldstein filtering')

    print('Writing final product')
    write(TOPO_phase_removal, '/home/io/Desktop/test1.dim')

filename_1 = os.path.join('/home',

filename_2 = os.path.join('/home',

insar_pipeline(filename_1, filename_2)

Is there anything particular in my code that might slow down the process? Do we expect snappy to be slower compared to SNAP?
It would be very useful to know why running snappy takes so much time for the process to complete.
I would appreciate any feedbacks